LEAF 502

LEAF 502: Leadership & Ethics

Faculty: Anthony Latona

Date: January 8, 2014

Books: Justice – What’s the right thing to do, M. Sandel (2010)

Ethics, J.C. VanCamp (2013)

Summary: Ethics in Leadership promises to develop an understanding of the principles of ethical decision making and its impact on successful and respected leaders. Based on our program schedule, this was the one class I was most excited to take. I felt that this would be the class to better understand moral decision-making as it relates to leadership and organizational change. As the syllabus states this course is to integrate the concepts of ethics and ethical behavior with a goal towards meaningful self-assessment and effective leadership in a variety of organizational settings.

W.A.I.T. chart

W.A.I.T. chart

I learned a great deal about my cohorts through their topic selection, research and presentations. I enjoyed how we were encouraged to analyze, review, and interpret a contemporary issue from multiple perspectives. This course had a profound impact on how our cohort bonded and the way in which we interacted in the program going forward.

My first presentation was on, Eighteen-year-old photojournalist Molhem Barakat who was killed covering a battle for control of Aleppo’s al-Kindi Hospital on December 20th, 2013. His death raised questions about news coverage from battle zones.


The Controversial Death of a Teenage Stringer

My second presentation was on the controversial ruling by the Supreme court protecting the First Amendment rights of the Westboro Baptist Church to hold anti-gay protests outside military funerals; a powerful opinion that spoke to the nation’s tolerance for even hateful public speech.



So what, Now what: Reflecting on this class provided a unique opportunity to recognize the impact it had on our cohort and on each of us as individuals. It is among the most memorable classes of the program. The ability to analyze, review, and interpret a contemporary issue from multiple perspectives is the foundation of knowledge.


Getting a chance to learn about each other outside of class

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