Personal Leadership Philosophy and Brand Logo

A Tapestry of Leadership: Integrity – Strategy – Opportunity

A tapestry of leadership is my personal leadership philosophy and model. The Tapestry embodies my experience, my beliefs, my values, and my leadership style. I have always thought of my leadership style as a tapestry; each person adding a thread to the whole, and no one person is greater than the group. This philosophy has guided me in the process of hiring staff, retaining top talent, and achieving the mission, vision and goals of an organization. I recognize that we are all unique individuals with different experiences, personalities, and values, yet as a team we are strong and invincible.

For my leadership model, I created a tapestry, weaving multiple colors and thread types; I also stitched into the tapestry photos of my family to symbolize my foundation and values. When it was finished I had a strong, colorful, and meaningful weaving.

I used the tapestry as the foundation to create my brand logo, which is made up of three connecting squares that represents the 3EO of: leadership, self, team and organization. The overlapping squares embody the three words of my tagline: integrity, strategy, and opportunity. The three squares also represent my goals that involve: motivation, inspiration, and development. They form many smaller shapes. The logo creates the letter C for my name. I designed the squares to expand from the center to show strength and teamwork.


Integrity – Strategy – Opportunity

I selected the color with purpose as well; the pink represents the promise of a new day. The dark blue square in the center anchors the 3 squares and represents stability and leadership, while the large light blue square symbolizes openness. There are multiple white squares in each direction to reflect the willingness to expand, change, and welcome new ideas. The multiple muted colors suggest diversity and symbolize humility and calm.

The three key words that make up my brand logo are integrity, strategy and opportunity. They identify my strengths as an individual, the way I look at a challenge, and how I address meaningful change. My tagline is derived from my brand promise: to recognize opportunity, find a strategy for meaningful change and to do it with the utmost respect, honesty and integrity. My tagline is action based: Incorporating Integrity, Strategy and Opportunity to create meaningful change.

The squares in my logo are meant to resemble: a film slide (history), a tapestry (connectedness), and a grid (collaboration and direction). Viewed together they represent my values, my experience, my goals, and my leadership philosophy.

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